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Order Summary
ONE TIME OFFER: One of the greatest ways to maintain unshakable confidence and success is to SHINE under pressure every day - in meetings, in presentations, and phone calls. And right now, you can access my PERFORM FLAWLESSLY UNDER PRESSURE training that shows you how to do just that: be amazing no matter how high the stakes. This training has never been released as a stand alone before. But you can get immediate access today for just $7. Check the box above to add to your order.
Get Three Success Training
Programs For Only $7!
No tricks - no 'trial' or anything
...just a fun offer to celebrate Black Friday
Here's Everything You're Getting For Just $7
"How to Achieve True Greatness, More Success, and Unstoppable Motivation (Without Endless Hard Work or Any Money)
in Just 20 Seconds a Day" eBook
This eBook will give you three key skills. You will be able to:
Know that greatness is already inside you. You don’t need to create it. You just need to nurture it.
See your natural genius so that you can develop your already existing greatness (and stop trying to make your weak areas strong).
ACT using your natural genius with decisive steps for 20 seconds each day.
"How to Make Yourself Irresistible"
Audio Program
During this powerful audio program, you will learn exactly how to get the love, respect, and appreciation you deserve at home and work. What’s unique about this audio program is that it goes beyond traditional teaching about ‘trust’ or ‘communication’. It will teach you exactly what to do and say to the important people in your life to succeed with them.
"How to Find Your Passion and True Purpose"
Web Class with Lisa Lane Brown

This 47 minute web class will show you how to discover genuine motivation and inspiration at work -- and in turn inspire those around you.

We all deserve to feel that we matter - to live a life of joy, meaning, and complete fulfillment. Achieving this means finding out who you are and why you do what you do. You will create a vision for your career or business that reflects your authentic self and motivates you.

You will also discover common obstacles to knowing who you really are at work. Never again will you feel bored, lost, or insignificant. The class is no fluff and no filler and includes a PDF cheat sheet download you can take with you to use the steps each day to live a life of joy and contentment because you are living your destiny.
"I’m crazy at fifty – I’m loving the Courage to Win. I feel like a kid again.
What I enjoy most is the inner confidence. It makes me appreciate who I am and how great life can be."
Rick Grafton
President, Grafton Capital Corporation
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Don't forget, you can call us at any time at 403-261-2726 to discuss your order. Once your order has been accepted, you will be sent to a page to access your program. You can also contact us at for additional information.
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